Monday, April 11, 2011

Black Gold, Gold, Silver, and Debt

First BLACK GOLD makes the news.  But where is the price really going?  Perhaps Trump is already having an effect on O.P.E.C. and he's not even in office yet?  It wouldn't surprise me: 


Now lets take a look at GOLD and SILVER which = REAL MONEY.  It's still the same amount of "ounces" last time I checked:

Precious Metals News Blogspot updates:

Ever wonder where this "Gold for Cash" is going?  Check this report from California:



And finally a look at DEBT:   We have been hearing much about it lately as it seems like it's racing out of control.  Even the printing presses can't print it fast enough to keep up with the DEBT CLOCK so they have resorted to adding zeroes.  By the way--where is this new bill with the gold inkwell?
