Friday, April 15, 2011

Adios Estados Unidos

 Gas in Mexico Reported $2.80

Goodbye United States of America and watch closely as Mexico doesn't price gouge it's citizens as our U.S.A. criminal government does for us.  We are already overtaxed taxpaying citizens and Obama has reported to be adding additional tax increases.  Notice the price of fuel in Mexico compared to the U.S.A. here as our own government rapes us to feed the rich with more than their heart could wish.

Recently Marc Faber had some very positive things to say about Mexico.  Don't miss this interview if you have before.  It is jammed with information and fits right in here.  I have been following this man's economic discussions and he's never far off on what is actually going on:

Marc Faber had something to say about being "Patriotic" and we are experiencing the absolute fall of our country here (the former U.S.A.) as it melts into the Chaos of the T.S.A. and D.H.S. Nanny State Socialist Society of Chaotic Democracy of Mr. Obama and Mr. Bernanke and their associates.  What should that acronym be?  It's too complicated to figure out.

Mr. Faber also said that Ben Bernanke is THE MURDERER OF THE MIDDLE CLASS.  You don't want to miss this interview also:    

Jesse Ventura likes Mexico.  I'll have more on this here....developing....
