Saturday, November 16, 2019

Kanye West is a confirmed Christ-follower; God is in it!


*****A NEW REVIVAL*****

*****'JESUS IS KING'*****

*****CULTURE IS KING also*****

Kanye West is chosen of God

He is sending shock-waves through the church

The doubters better get right with God

Even Glen Beck confirms Kanye West

"The church is responsible for the state of our country..."
-David J. Harris Jr.
(..and Glenn Beck agrees with him)

We are starting to hear that people are starting to realize that God in the Kanye West movement to show his presence and love.  Those who do not believe  this will ultimately be cast out.  This is the NEW RELIGION and you better believe it:

There are more with them than are against them and they say God is greater than anyone of us who disagree with them.  We better get right with God and Kanye West:

David J. Harris Jr. explains this...