Sunday, April 17, 2016

Donald Trump PRESS CONFERENCE in New York

Set the record straight about Donald Trump

Ignore the enemies of America who hate Donald Trump 

Donald Trump is very presidential and the media and the rest of the enemies of America are liars and are lying constantly about Donald Trump.  Many Americans are joining with the enemies of America and seem to want America destroyed by the globalists and it will happen.  If America wants to make America great again here's the last chance.  After this it will be the Clinton Global Initiative:


Watch the MEDIA VULTURES try to destroy Donald Trump and in turn destroy America.  They seem to like it as they SMILE WIDE which is very disturbing to me.  Such is the way of the liberal which as Michael Save says they have a mental disorder:

But notice this:  Trump is getting the truth out about this RIGGED ELECTION and probably other elements of RIGGING across America not limited to elections but that of the economy, etc.  This is opening up more discussion and awareness but Americans need to pay attention: