The Radical Extremist Citizens for Constitutional Freedom
Pretty scary eh?
Is it time for a Waco style butcher yet?
NOTE about Pete Santilli: I watched him one too many times now as he was bragging that him and his slave girl were covering this story and how the rest of "us" who he calls "armchair warriors" should have been out there. Meanwhile these armchair warriors that he was mouthing off about are probably the same people sending him donations for his alternative media cause. So on one hand the guy acts like he's a big hero but on the other hand he lambasts anyone else who's just not able or capable of driving 3,000 miles to come visit Burns, Oregon and stay at the Silver Spur Hotel in a town of 2,800 people.
I've heard some people mention he's working as an FBI informant among other suspicions of which I could care less. Whatever the facts are this entire story lacks good coverage by someone that has the adequate communication skills to convey that to the general public and the news both mainstream and alternative has done a VERY POOR JOB of this. I think a David Acton has actually had the best commentary on this entire event: