GOLD and SILVER pumpers away!
Just when Jim Comiskey said to BUY PUTS look what happened! Now I'm not going to win the Heat Miser this time around. :-( Has anyone noticed the pumpers have been quiet. Just wait until SILVER hits $300 by December:
Let's watch THE PUMPERS and their USUAL CONFUSION:
Here's SYYenergy7 who BLOCKED The News UNIT's COMMENTS....he and Putin the cat are continually wrong and spreading skewed information...
As I predicted...
barnone11970 says: "...if you bought in the last day or two you made a very good decision..." Barnone says that the haters were talking about $15 SILVER and $900 gold and if you're in this to make money you should not be in it.
Either way KEEP STACKIN'
Day Trade Show
This guy will take this video down. GUARANTEED!
Look at the CHART ACTION...
I was wrong...