Saturday, April 27, 2013

The "Sons Of Liberty" don't deliver SILVER to their customers

KEEP STACKIN' and send us your money

Who are THE SHEEPLE now?

The message from The Sons of Liberty is KEEP STACKIN'.  But isn't it interesting that they take your money and don't deliver the goods?  Now silver price continues to fall but the YOU TUBE VIDEOS keep appearing bashing the Federal Reserve and telling the sheep how criminal the government is, etc.

People are going to find out now who the real criminals are.  They were in denial as these Ron Paul lovers who claimed to be so Constitutional and liberty, freedom loving Americans are now turning out to be a LARGE SCALE FRAUDULENT MOVEMENT.

This is only the beginning.  Even the Silver Futurist is afraid of being sued now for all his silver promotions and many of them are going to be found out.  Even Ben Bernanke wasn't as dishonest as this!

Raw Dog calls out the Sons Of Liberty

THE SHEEPLE STACKERS start to confess...

Did anyone heed the warnings?

The warnings were out on this and yet people would not consider...