Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Webster Tarpley Reviews Obama Election

This guy is worth listening to as a commentator and political analyst.  I also cannot wait for tomorrow's interview with Jesse Ventura on INFOWARS.  But it's important for me to explain that I do not subscribe to the wisdom of men.  The wisdom of God is greater.  Quite honestly the entire election and now these political diatribes between Alex Jones and Webster Tarpley are nothing but a bunch of empty vanity in light of the word of God which is eternally more fruitful than any of this finite fleshy, sensual, and devilish nonsense.

Actually Tarpley kept his composure but was extremely annoyed with Alex Jones' excessive interruptions.  I would have liked to hear more of what Tarpley had to say but Alex wanted to play crossfire with him and turned it into a big distraction.  I agree with Webster Tarpley that Alex needs to get serious.  Tarpley got annoyed and actually left the show.  

Alex Jones might actually be taking INFOWARS into a direction of destruction if he keeps it up.  He even interrupts the president during his speech inserting empty comments with no substance.  Save it for later Alex!

That's enough of Alex I cannot hear any more of him tonight.  I like when he keeps his mouth shut and lets his guests talk.

Tarpley LIVE NOW:  http://www.infowars.com/infowars.asx
