Thursday, November 15, 2012


To engage, inform, and entertain the masses

Marc Faber is somewhat of an insider and for some reason the elite allow him or perhaps even dispatch him to appear on high profile media outlets such as CNBC and The News UNIT.  Seriously I believe Marc Faber is sort of a globalist big shot who is throwing out accurate information to those who are paying attention.  

Don't worry though since most people don't pay attention.  Many people don't even know who Marc Faber is.  I can ask 50 people at large and they have no idea what CNBC is or who Mark Faber is.  It's amazing how this guy handles the American media and they really seek him out for his observations and synopsis.  Or is this just a bunch of actors and actresses? 

I perceive more and more that there is actually a move now with news to engage, inform, and entertain the masses.  Almost everyone is being sucked into The New World Order now which is no longer looked at as a scary title of conspiracy theory but rather an entirely new lifestyle transformation into the new global community.
