Thursday, November 1, 2012

Anti-American Group Targes Ann Barnhardt

The reason I say that an Anti-American group is targeting Ann Barnhardt here is simple.  Any real American who is dedicated to the foundation of this country and upholds the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights would not target Ann Barnhardt and mention this is "hateful" here implying that this is a "hate crime".  If they don't like what she has to say just turn aside and go somewhere else.  

But no this country is being transformed to tolerate all manner of perversions and enemies of the gospel of Christ and both foreign and domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.  

Treasonous criminals are being coddled now be our own elected representatives in the Washington D.C. Corporation and Global Mafia Cartel:

Notice this YOU TUBE channel "AustralianNeoConz" is out to get Ann Barnhardt for "hate speech" and to target "Christians" in a general sense to paint them into a group of "patriots" to be elevated to the new catch phrase called "potential terrorist".  You watch!

Perhaps this is one of the devils as that of the alleged god Allah.  I dare you to come after me.  I'll show you how the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strong holds.  Bring it on!  I'm an American fighting man:

