Saturday, November 3, 2012

Alien Abductions: Watch what a notable psychiatrist says about it.

For you paranormal enthusiasts

Wow!  Looks like something really is going on here after all.  I never studied this but this I have learned:  There are some kind of fallen angles that want to mingle themselves with the seed of men.  I'm glad I'm in Christ Jesus by faith in his blood.  These wicked spirits don't have any part with me.

I'm beginning to wonder at times where some of these mighty men of renown come from.  Have you considered this? 

For some people they are fascinated about this and seek it out diligently as if there's a message here.  Well there actually is a message here and it's a message of "the dead".  The best I can explain it is this way:

And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?
---ISAIAH 8.19

Now it is interesting that psychiatrists don't consider these people to be anything other than sane, ordinary people.  And those of us who confess Jesus Christ are considered to be a whole list of other things I won't mention: 

Here's 9nania again with her own story of something:

Wouldn't it be something if the God of spirits is sending a strong delusion?  People will believe the strong delusion from God and be damned.  Did you know this?

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

Knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men but we also know that unbelievers will mock and scoff at the gospel of Christ.  So be it. 

Some say our government has been messing with some kind of beings under the surface of the earth in Deep Underground Military Bases and that there is alleged top secret information where DNA testing is going on with those who are abducted into these places.  You didn't hear it from me. :-) 
