Friday, April 15, 2011

Supply Shortages Soon Coming Abroad

Economic Armageddon Soon Coming Courtesy of JIT

Gary Yantis discusses upcoming economic supply problems courtesy of "Just-in-time" (JIT).  I recommend before listening to this that you review what "Just-in-time" actually is here: 

I admit I had no idea at first what he was talking about.  This is a video for those people (like me) who have a desire to learn something:

Bolivia May Cause Global Silver Shake Up:

Some potentially major news that surfaced recently comes from the South American country of Bolivia.   President Evo Morales is expected to announce on May 1 the dismantling of the privatization process involving several major companies....developing.... 

Some Gold Supply News From Belarus:

Here's a video worth a look.  If you think I'm a "Conspiracy Theorist" then you just wait until JULY shows up ye simple ones.  

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.   --PROVERBS 22.3