Friday, April 17, 2020

ODD SO-CALLED CHRISTIANS OF THIS LAST DAY: These just have to be ones who give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils


*****A CULT OF THEIR OWN******



We are seeing a continual emergence of this growing TRUMP movement with many so-called TRUTHERS & PATRIOTS that are in league together.  These are SEDUCING SPIRITS with their DOCTRINES OF DEVILS promoting all manner of NUMEROLOGY and belief on this messenger named 'Q' or 'Q ANON.'

Christopher McDonald along with his guest 'LT' or 'And We Know' along with Prophet Mark Taylor and Liz Crokin are just a few that are in this group.  Even Jsnip4 is now sporting his belief in the Prophet Mark Taylor:

This is a large movement that literally worships President Donald Trump as a god or strongly believes that Trump is a 'man of God.'

Often they preach the false gospel of II CHRONICLES 7.14 and JEREMIAH 29.11 in the NIV BIBLE.  Trump's cabinet and many elected representatives are also in this cult called 'Christian.'

The SPIRITUALISTS and PSYCHICS oddly follow Mark Taylor like this Jsnip4: Such is the way of FAMILIAR SPIRITS and DOCTRINES OF DEVILS: