Friday, April 27, 2018

The False Doctrine of Giants in the Earth by Steve Quayle Continues




The Fetish of Steve Quayle and more

The SENSATIONALISTS and their spirit of error

Steve Quayle, Pastor David Lankford, Lisa Haven, Hagmann & Hagmann, and all the rest of these TRUTHERS & PATRIOTS continue to promulgate and disseminate FAKE NEWS.

They are telling people that there are GIANTS IN THE EARTH roaming around now and more sensationalism so they can make more books and sell more DVDs and have more conferences.

No doubt there's a new proverb concerning these Christians:

"Where the cash is, there are the Christians."'

[Tom Horn, Mark Taylor, Reverend Donna Howell, Pastor David Lankford, SkyWatchTV, Book of Enoch, Apocrypha, Defender Holy Bible, giants, Christians, deception, David Knight, Infowars, Alex Jones. Hagmann & Hagmann, Coast to Coast, Art Bell,]

This next video may be a DECEPTIVE VIDEO dated APRIL 23, 2018...I'm not sure...still reviewing the content...

CONFIRMED FAKE:  This is an old report from Hagmann & Hagmann on August 3, 2017....edited and revised to deceive...

HERE IS THE REAL INTERVIEW from Hagmann & Hagmann on August 3, 2017:

[1:02:20] Steve Quayle into...

