Friday, July 7, 2017

SILVER BUY ALERT from Tom Cloud on July 5th was just a bit early


National Numismatic Associates
July 5, 2017


NNA has issued a buy signal on silver. This is our first buy alert since 2008 when silver was at $9.56 per ounce. From October 2008 until November 2011 silver went up to $45 per ounce.

Time: 3:00 pm, July 5, 2017
Spot price: $15.95

1.  Silver is back to average mining cost of the metal. Any further price drop could cause miners to close operations.
2.  The Stalker (renowned metals trader in Europe) gave a buy signal for silver on 7/3/2017. Every trade that he has made since 2003 has been documented by Le Metropole CafĂ© (subscription only). He is expecting at least a $2 jump over the next three months.
3.    The dollar is down over 4% this year. As we have said many times before, President Trump favors a weak dollar. He wants to try to pay down debt by a cheaper dollar which is very positive for silver.
4.    It is our belief from talking to several sources that banks and brokerage firms will quit shorting gold and silver in the futures market as early as July 20th of this year. Remember that from 2000-2011 both metals went up over 500% when these firms and banks were going long on both metals. Our sources believe that many of these companies have acquired large inventories of physical metals and will now go long in the futures markets.
5.    With China buying large quantities of silver for solar panel energy we could see physical silver disappear. Tesla Automotive is building a plant in Connecticut to build solar panels making them one of the largest buyers of physical silver in the world.
6.    As equities reach a strong bubble possibility we see money rotating into gold and silver as a hedge (since the risk for gold and silver at current levels is very low).
7.    Securitized debt continues to go down in value as interest rates rise. We are already seeing the bond market losing value and liquidity tightening.
8.    The possibility of major banking problems in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece also would be a reason to have money out of banks and in a real asset. This could be a major story later this year.
9.    The drumbeat of widespread military conflict looms over precious metals markets. North Korea, Iran and Syria, just to name a few, could spawn a strong move into silver as the risk of conflict continues to increase.
10.  Lastly, premiums are low in the U.S. for now -- both gold and silver are in much higher demand in Asia.

For questions or orders please contact us at 800-247-2812 or 912-638-3511.

Tom Cloud
National Numismatic Associates