America is now the HABITATION OF DEVILS
America is now the HABITATION OF DEVILS
BLACK LIVES MATTER, BLACK PANTHERS, and THESE NEWS NARRATORS ON YOU TUBE seem to me like this is a large habitation of devils that has been unleashed on the U.S.A. These devils have come to make havoc on America and perhaps further sink this nation into destruction and perdition of ungodly men:
Listen to this narrator who is making comments on this live coverage. Some say these young people who are involved in not only the protest but the alternative news media and all over YOU TUBE are part of a larger complex coordinated group of actors and actresses who are heavily involved in false flags and all these PSY-OPS that are being carefully constructed to deceive and ultimately destroy the United States of America. Even various men in high places have given themselves over to Satan:
Atlanta, Georgia and Memphis, Tennessee: Baton Rouge, Louisiana coverage...PROTESTS TONIGHT ARE IN OTHER CITIES BESIDE BUT COVERAGE BY MEDIA IS SCARCE:
Atlanta, Georgia and Memphis, Tennessee: Baton Rouge, Louisiana coverage...PROTESTS TONIGHT ARE IN OTHER CITIES BESIDE BUT COVERAGE BY MEDIA IS SCARCE:
Are we making progress in America? We need to keep pushing forward to bring these two sides together: