Sunday, June 5, 2016

Donald Trump asked by CNN what he will do with the White House

President Donald Trump plans to get to work...

He will make the White House American again:

I have to admit when I saw this video it actually gave me an incentive.  It gave me an incentive to actually have a little hope left for our country.  I don't like how the media is playing always with Donald Trump and I don't like the rumors and conspiracy theories that are always around but nevertheless I have a little hope about President Donald Trump:

I'm ready to have President Donald Trump.  Are you ready?  For those of you fellow Christians, specifically the ones that are in Christ Jesus by faith I would admonish you to get busy with this man very seriously.  He needs prayer and we need to pray that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.  

If you take an honest look at our nation things really don't look well.  And this is not the America that I remember back around 1985 and before.  If God should see fit to give this nation 4 decent years before it collapses into ruin I don't know.  I hope so--I live here:
