Sunday, December 13, 2015

Saudi Prince joins a large list of WORLD ENEMIES against Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a major threat to the world enemies of America:

The latest enemy of America Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal just decided to take a shot at destroying America and Donald Trump:


It's time to make America great again

All of the sudden the entire world is getting scared

As the movement with Donald Trump grows mightily here in the United States of America the divisions between the two sides are becoming more clearly visible not only just here in America but throughout the entire world.

We simply have THE ENEMIES OF AMERICA (both foreign and domestic) against We the People.  Now who is going to win the battle?  The world knows Donald Trump wants to make America great again and many of these enemies of America are terrified of this.

Do you know who the real extremists are?

The question now is whether the true Americans will finally wake up and see the actual threats that are facing our nation both foreign and domestic.
