The ultimate 2014 EMP Nightmare Scenario
Much of North America will be SHUT DOWN for good!
Who's behind this? Russia? China?
The News UNIT would like to wish all of you well as we are about to see a large EMP ATTACK that will virtually wipe us out for good. At least there will be no HFT TRADING anymore on Wall Street. Godspeed and even so, come Lord Jesus...
I thought you might find this of interest. You should as
an "electromagnetic pulse" (EMP) attack on the United States I now believe is
imminent (perhaps soon). It could be days to weeks (months?) but it will
be in 2014. I responded to a lady trying to make a few bucks hawking a
WORTHLESS report on "protecting yourself from EMP" (there are many such scare
tactic "reports" - I've seen and read many -- ALL worthless -- many worse than
worthless as they contain information on using items to "protect" from EMP THAT
My next book will be on protecting your personal electronics
from EMP. However, after an EMP attack occurs you will each have far
more to deal with than your radios blowing out and cars not
starting. Think of the country returning to the 14th century FOR
GOOD! It is THAT serious! I'm sorry if this alarms you
but I have the technical knowledge to wipe out the electronics in an entire city
using parts I can purchase today on the open market. Nuclear bomb
parts are TIGHTLY controlled. EMP parts can be bought by a teenager (with enough
money). You see the necessary parts (VERY large multi-ton capacitors)
inside fenced areas of power distribution centers that control electricity
in HUGE amounts sending electricity from, say, a large power plant to a major
city. Build circuitry to charge up two of these capacitors VERY
slowly for weeks with one negative and one positive then remove the insulation
placed between the two (doing it remotely as anyone nearby would be
killed). The two capacitors would discharge to one another in a
microsecond creating a single blinding GIGANTIC radio spark
equivalent to 1,000++ lightning bolts all at the same time. More than
enough radio frequency energy in the air (for just that microsecond) to overload
ALL semiconductor type electronics for many miles around. Destroying most
or all of them. Deploy dozens of these "EMP bombs" ringing major
cities of the USA and you could STOP America in its tracks. YES, it
is THAT simple! Virtually EVERY electronic item you own has at least one
semiconductor device even if it is just a two cent diode. They will
ALL be destroyed! Repair of mega-millions of electronic devices
would be impossible and require decades of effort.
Not a single person will be killed or even injured when the
microsecond MASSIVE electrical pulse or pulses occur(s). If you are
far enough away, you may not even be aware it occurred until you see planes fall
from the sky and your car does not start. You MIGHT feel a very slight
tingle on your skin for an instant but nothing more.
I have tried and even got into a screaming match (I rarely scream)
with a congressman who had zero technical knowledge but a great lust for more
money for his political party to no avail. It's probably now too
late. Personally? I have a number of Kaito KA500 hand cranked
and solar power short wave radios along with other electronics safely shielded
in a series of galvanized steel trash cans (Home Depot or Walmart) in my
basement along with other "prepper" long-term survival supplies.
I've been asked many times "can I shield my house or even my car?". No -
both are too involved. If you must have transportation, buy a 1950's or
before vintage vehicle that was built prior to solid state
ignitions. Still, buy lots of GS trash cans! ONLY GS!!
Feel free to contact me with any questions. Seeing this awful video
I've decided my next Kindle book will absolutely be yet one more attempt to
awaken America to this grave threat that WILL happen.
Feel free to forward this to others. Show this to an
electrical or electronics engineer for verification of technical accuracy.
Best Regards,Gary Yantis
"The World Is Not What It Appears To Be"
"The World Is Not What It Appears To Be"
this will also be posted on this new Web site I am just now creating.
Watch that site and others for additional new information on EMP. There
are already many YouTube videos on EMP including one I posted several years
ago. This has becomemuch more serious since then.