Monday, March 3, 2014

EMERGENCY BROADCAST from SGTbull07 about Ukraine


(play that spooky music white boy...)

Andy Hoffman is loosing it as are many of these truthers and patriots.  Even the casual observer should notice this.
I really think people are terrified of loosing their wealth.  They wouldn't be able to handle adversity.  If we get a serious conflict as a result of this Ukraine development that leads to world war then you can bet this economy is going to fall under the weight of our own lawless leaders and many people will suffer.  It may be even the well to do are terrified to a degree as they prepare their underground shelters and in some cases some very elaborate underground living quarters where they intend to hide from a nuclear holocaust.  

And then again maybe the U.S.A. is indeed too big to fail and the intercontinental ballistic missiles will soon fly across the Northern Hemisphere should the entire system soon meltdown: