David Morgan has been monitored by The News UNIT along with many others:
Here's a few other suspicious reports
I wonder if several of these ANAL-ysts or analysts will join the ANONYMOUS CENSORSHIP and EXPOSURE BRIEFINGS that are making their way onto YOU TUBE for a little dose of awareness? I think it's heading that way. Hopefully these "truthers" and "preppers" can start their own colony out in Nevada or Utah or someplace like that. Perhaps they will all colonize when the American economy craps out and appoint Chris Duane and Sean Turnbull as their new government leaders?
The SGTbull07 B.S. Exposure Project
This is extremely long overdue. The News UNIT has been on top of this all for some time but these guys really know how to do their own investigation. This video is rather addicting actually. It's one of the best I have ever seen on YOU TUBE ever regarding the real SILVER SHILLS and THE SILVER COMMUNITY:
More SGTbull07 and SGTbull08 observations and videos: