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Thursday, September 27, 2012
A Tribute to Precious Metals
Here's the News UNIT's tribute to precious metals. I'm doing this ahead of time because I am 100% convinced in my own mind and for reasons that pertain to the word of God that GOLD and SILVER are going to crash with the worlwide monetary system as God is exalted above Ceasar and any beast system of government whatsoever it may be. All the nations to God are as a drop of a bucket and he will be exalted above all things which includes the heathen and all the nations no matter what mischief they think they can create:
The PRECIOUS METALS aren't so precious anymore and are going to be corrupted as the rust of them bears witness according to the word of God. PERCIOUS METALS may be a PRECIOUS MEMORY or perhaps a NOT SO PRECIOUS MEMORY after all:
Watch the charts and see for yourself how precious these PRECIOUS METALS really are not: