Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dr. Stan Monteith: More War and Government Rumors

The Genesis Communication Network

Remember The Genesis Communication Network?  It consists of a load of "alternative news" programs, advertising, and sales, including GOLD and SILVER bullion, etc.  Is this true and reliable information being presented here?  This Dr. Stan Monteith appeard on INFOWARS with Alex Jones today and here is the interview below.  (INFOWARS is also part of The Genesis Communication Network)  Dr. stan Monteith has his own show and is quite a philosopher and starts his show each time with this catchy phrase:

"Well Dr. Stan here; The Genesis Communication Network coming to you from the hills overlooking the beautiful and picturesque Monterey Bay (California).  And bringing you the news behind the news the story behind the story.  Hoping to convince you that reality is usually scoffed it; that illusion is usually king. But in the battle for survival of western civilization it's going to be reality and not illusion or delusion that going to determine what the future will bring.  And I need to remind you the views expressed here are not necessarily those of the owners, management, staff, sponsors, supporters of the station you are listening to; they happen to be my views..."


Radio Liberty

Listen to Dr. Stan Monteith on Radio Liberty also.  Here is the LINK:

I have actually listened to Dr. Stan Monteith and have called into his show.  I don't necessarily disagree with many things he says however The News UNIT keeps a close eye on anything that might be deceptive and not necessarily honest.  
