This is my personal arrangement to provide a useful format for discussing and disseminating breaking news and information. Opinions posted here are not necessarily my own. If you are offended by wide open discussions of news, life, politics and religious things, and God's word, kindly get out of here NOW. At times sources quoted here are suspect at best. I try to make sure they are correct, but I do err at times. Comments by readers are theirs alone, I may or may not approve of their opinions.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Bank Of America Doesn't Accept Cash? B.S.!
CONCLUSION: Another "anarchist" making trouble for YOU TUBE entertainment:
If the bank rejects your mortgage payment then record the attempted transaction and live for free. Better yet go live in someone's garage and make YOU TUBE revenue on ADSENSE.
Bank of America does not accept LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE known otherwise as FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES? This is simply not true! There's more to this story and we have a pile of troublemakers today working overtime to stir up trouble against our country and government:
I believe this is the original video here...