Hope everyone who's in this together with Sean ("SGTbull07") feels better after reading this. Not all of us are in the nightmarish mess together Sean. Some of us were chided by your pumpers with personal attacks and even death threats for our warnings. And your god Karma is no comparison to my God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Dare you call me a sociopath? I speak the truth in Christ and lie not:
SGT has spoken now: "...there is no save haven.."
That makes it official now. He's convinced that the price of gold, silver, and mining shares will now be pillaged. Did Bob Chapman approve of this?
by SGT, SGTreport:
This may be how you are feeling today, I certainly am.
UPDATED: First, allow me to make one thing clear for those who aren’t getting it: I am not “bemoaning a paper loss” or “lower prices”. I am sounding the alarm about a systematically corrupt system that can do ANYTHING it wants with your assets through the criminal hypothecation and rehypothecation of what you THINK are YOUR assets. This is a brand new revelation, it is NEW news to most of us. If you do not uderstand what this means, you need to. It’s a deal breaker. Read THIS: “E*Trade, Scottrade, Fidelity Fine Print: “All of My Securities May Be Repledged & Hypothecated & Rehypothecated”
We all know that as long as the criminal entity remains in control of our criminally corrupt markets, anything is possible. With silver and gold both plunging lower again today, in a world where it seems that nearly every financial market is either broken or in the process of breaking, it really does seem like ‘no good deed goes unpunished.’
What I’m trying to say is this: Good people, who make smart, contrarian decisions ought to be rewarded for their wisdom, not penalized. But once again today, the folks who are way ahead of the curve, those of us who hold physical precious metals and mining stocks are being taken out to the woodshed and whacked.
I believe in the justice of the universe, Kharma if you will. I believe that the people who continually make bad decisions and do horrible things to others, eventually get what’s coming to them. But as I look at the world today, I still see men like Jon Corzine, Jamie Dimon, Hank Paulson, Eric Holder, Dick Cheney, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller – toss in your favorite arch enemy of the people HERE – I see them all as “untouchable”. Justice has not been served, neither literally or in the universal kharmic sense. It reminds me of Bill Hicks who once said “We always kill the good guys who tried to tell us, and let the demons run amok.”
Why is that? Why do we let the demons run amok? Where is the unversal justice we all crave? When do the bad guys get what they’ve got coming?
Today, again, it’s those of us with the discernment and the wisdom to go against the grain of conventional thinking, those of us who are smart enough to NOT buy bonds, and to NOT be invested in S&P 500 index funds, and to NOT be owners of the highly suspect SLV or GLD ETFs, who once again are getting slapped around.
It’s crystal clear now, that between the unprecedented theft at MF Global, the hypothecation, and the rehypothecation of all of the investment accounts in the Western world, the criminals are in charge and will remain in charge until there is nothing left to steal. Until the entire system is “burning rubble” as Ann Barnhardt has said.
They are in the process of stealing everything that isn’t nailed down. It was Jim Sinclair who recently said “Right now there’s still condifence due to rank ignorance of what’s going on. Total rank absolute ignorance of the facts of the matter.”
If you have any physical precious metal in YOUR possession – those assets ARE nailed down. Those REAL ASSETS are outside of this criminally corrupt system if YOU hold them.
It’s clear to me now, that despite the prognostications of many smart folks like Eric Sprott, John Embry, Eric King, Bob Chapman and many others, that mining shares and the prices of gold and silver will continue to be pillaged, at will, be the criminal elite. There is no place safe to hide from these people. The only thing I can assure you is this: Physical gold and silver will always… have… value. Today, those assets are still measured by the corrupt paper pricing system. You must ignore it. Because when the day comes – and that day is fast approaching – when all that’s left is burning rubble, your physical precious metals will be worth many multiples more actual wealth than the rehypothecated “assets” on your paper brokerage statement.
For tax reasons, rightly or wrongly, I’m waiting for January 1st, and if I’m still able then, I’m getting the rest of my “hypothecated” assets the hell out of Dodge. I wish the good folks out there nothing but the best, you recognize the demons that run amok – and you’ve already taken many wise steps to try to protect yourself from the criminal class and their pillaging. But the storm has now arrived, it’s time to hunker down.
And remember, we are all in this nightmarish mess, together.
I'm surprised you didn't end your message with the usual: "Keep stackin'."