Ask Sgtbull07 (a.k.a. "Sean") at the "SGT Report". He will eventually tell us:
First he's 100% convinced that they are "The Spirit of Liberty":
Now this? Why the change of heart Sean?
from End of The American Dream:
Is Occupy Wall Street a communist movement? Is it being run by socialists who wish to bring down the free enterprise system? As you will see in this article, the answer to both questions is yes. Of course many of the people participating in these protests want nothing to do with either socialism or communism. Many of the protesters are simply angry at the big banks or they just want something to be done about the economy. But the truth is that when you take a close look at the “organizers”, the literature and the stated goals of this movement, you see socialism and communism everywhere. As our economic system crumbles, an increasing number of Americans are coming out of the woodwork and are proudly declaring that they are socialists or communists. An increasing number of Americans truly believe that the free enterprise system needs to be brought down and that the answer to our problems is to fully embrace socialism and/or communism. Sadly, this puts Occupy Wall Street in direct opposition to what our founding fathers intended.
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Is Occupy Wall Street a communist movement? Is it being run by socialists who wish to bring down the free enterprise system? As you will see in this article, the answer to both questions is yes. Of course many of the people participating in these protests want nothing to do with either socialism or communism. Many of the protesters are simply angry at the big banks or they just want something to be done about the economy. But the truth is that when you take a close look at the “organizers”, the literature and the stated goals of this movement, you see socialism and communism everywhere. As our economic system crumbles, an increasing number of Americans are coming out of the woodwork and are proudly declaring that they are socialists or communists. An increasing number of Americans truly believe that the free enterprise system needs to be brought down and that the answer to our problems is to fully embrace socialism and/or communism. Sadly, this puts Occupy Wall Street in direct opposition to what our founding fathers intended.
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