Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gun Control Propaganda

There is an alleged radical Muslim message for American Muslims to buy guns and start shooting in the U.S.A.   They mention that guns in the U.S.A. are "easily obtainable" at gun shows, etc.  So what will Washington do?  They will make the world safe for democracy and impose more restrictions and trash the U.S. Constitution.  

Some of us really don't give a damn who tries to shoot us.   Go ahead and give it a try.   The worse that can happen to me is I die and go be with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Otherwise if you don't get me I'll get you. :-)

So don't mess with many of us "radical fundamental independent and bible-believing Christians".   We will trash Allah and the false prophet Muhammad (and any other lie) and either way we will see our Lord come to trash them that believe not and throw them into the lake of fire.  You don't like that do you?  Tough!