Monday, June 13, 2011

Censored Commentary

97.5 percent of short-term treasury bills is NOT the MAJOR story!

Message to hired hand Obama - you are doing a GREAT job doing a Cloward-Piven on the USA. To all: Look up Cloward-Piven for definition. And this is BEFORE the financial nuclear bomb China will be dropping on the USA March 2012. What "bomb"?

China is NOT going to roll over 1 point 3 trillion dollars in long-term treasury bills maturing then. No one seems to notice this rapidly oncoming financial and social Armageddon! WHY? There's also another $400 billion maturing between now and March 2012. China has ALWAYS bought new T-bills to replace the ones maturing so everyone assumes they will continue to do so.

Look up the term: "normalcy bias" on Wikipedia and read the definition. This is a normal human reaction. Everything has been OK in the past so it will absolutely continue to be OK in the future. More than half of Americans thought it "impossible" that America would be drug into WW2 on December 6th, 1941.; By evening December 7th 100% knew they had been wrong.

A US dollar with almost no value will occur within 24 hours after we either pay China trillions of worthless dollars or default and lose trillions of dollars US companies own in China. Either way that day will be the end of normal or almost any relationship with China. A complete economic crash; probably world-wide will spread at the speed of light.  It is right in front of us but everyone is ignoring it.  As China continues to NOT roll-over maturing Treasury bills, by November I predict financial op-ed writers will wake-up and be SHOCKED! to see a giant iceberg dead ahead.  It will be way too late to avoid a head on collision.  In fact, it is too late already. Our course was set years ago and we've only sped up to "raming speed".  The "crew" (government) will just "rearrange" the deck chairs plus tell the
passengers (America and the world) to put on life jackets.  As if that will do any good.  Only the few people who are today called parnoid or, if polite, "preppers" have any chance of surviving this oncoming economic ICBM.

Preppers are provisioned to survive a year with zero support from the
outside world plus they have most of their long-term monetary assets in gold and/or silver.  Those with paper fiat currency in banks or brokerage firms will be unable to obtain those funds but they'll be of no value anyway. These are same people who today call "preppers" paranoid and worry about nothing in life.  These same people probably have no more than a week's worth of groceries in their home, almost no "provisions" used in daily life and they'll madly fill up whatever water they can put into containers before their town's water runs dry.  They'll then have enough drinking water for a few weeks.  Those caught a long ways from home will truly be lost. 

"Preppers" (people who see, accept and proactively act on what reality will actually be in the future rather than what they assume and hope it will be) are about two percent of the population.  It's always been about two percent and will remain not much more than that until it is too late.  In a survey taken December 6th, 1941 80% of the American people answered "we should stay out of THEIR war no matter what".  The pacifist "America First" organization numbering in the millions headed by Charles Lindbergh saw its membership drop to zero by the end of the day December 8th, 1941.  Lindbergh personally visited FDR to give him his membership card and officially dissolve the organization who were most instrumental in "keeping us out of war" (actually rolonging world war two and probably at least doubling the number of people who died in the war. 

Not many people are still alive who remember both FDR and his opponent in the 1940 presidential election campaigned to outdo each other in speeches over who would do the most to "keep us out of war".  At the same time FDR was secretly preparing America to enter World War Two.  Looking back, it was obvious what he was doing but the American people were gullible and mentally stuck on "wishful thinking".  Well, "wishful thinking" runs amuck again today.  If anything, it is even more so.  "American has always been THE world power, rich and no harm can possibly come to it in any way! Stop bothering me with YOUR baseless worrying!".  This in spite of warning signs the size of large highway billboards placed every 200 feet on an Interstate highway.  The "Two Percenters" (why won't that term stick!) cajole, yell, stomp their feet and act like Paul Revere with "The British Are Coming!". Except it's not the British.   In the words of the great philosopher, Pogo, "we have met the enemy and he is us!". 

If you do nothing else visit www ((dot)) infinitedangers ((dot)) com for
help and guidance.

Prepare NOW! Begin immediately!  Become a "Two Percenter".  Give yourself and your family at least a chance of survival whether it be a physical mega-disaster or a total economic collapse (or both).  There is no time left.  You must begin today.  You should have begun years ago.  Among other things your finances would be doing fine parked in gold and silver.  You would also have great peace of mind that no price tag can be put on that you have done all you can for your family and you are prepared to survive (almost) anything.  You have peace of mind while your friends and neighbors are either in a state of total denial (most of them) or sweating bullets as they run around worrying themselves sick while they accomplish absolutely nothing.   When they could also be preparing as you must do.  But don't waste time trying to "wake up" others.  It's too late for that.  Spend ALL of your available time preparing to meet the ultimate crisis.  Let others do whatever they will do.  If you've been a "prepper" for awhile you've typed and talked until you are out of words trying to wake up those around you. If you were successful with even a few you outdid most preppers who have hundreds if not thousands of channels on Youtube.  They all "preach to the choir" - preppers exclaiming "bridge out ahead" to each other. A million words accomplishing absolutely nothing. No one else is listening!  So stop wasting your time on them. 

They WILL wake up I assure you but wake up one day too late.  One day too late will be the same as two decades late.  Store shelves will empty in hours and all banks will close.  You will be totally on your own within hours.  Your world and everyone's world will completely change in less than a day.  You nor anyone else will ever experience "normalcy" again.

For years I have watched China as they rolled over their long-term USA treasury bills. But they have set the new maturity dates of new treasury bills to almost always mature March 2012. One might be 6 years and 9 months then the next 4 years and 2 months. But almost always maturing March, 2012. Very odd. Why?

Well, it is now obvious to me at least. For the last six months China has NOT rolled over maturing long-term treasury bills. There have been few come due so their not being rolled over is not being noticed. Then last week they had 97.5 percent of their US short-term treasury bills come due but they did NOT roll them over. They wanted cash. Small change in the whole scheme of things but this was final proof to me they plan to NOT roll over the massive amount of long term treasury bills coming due in March 2012. As I say they have adeptly manuevered for years to have as many as possible mature March 2012. I think a few other countries see this as Brazil and Mexico did not roll over their treasury bills recently. We will not know for sure for some months. If not, where did they get those mega-billions of dollars all of a sudden to buy tons of gold? You can add India and numerous other countries to this list although their dollar amounts are small.

All signs point to this. So, next March, Ben Bernanke won't be printing
another trillion dollars of paper money for more Quantitative Easing but an additional 1 point 3 trillion dollars to pay China plus, I'm sure, MUCH more paper money for many other countries cashing in early realizing if China will no longer loan money to the USA, no one will. The dollar is finished. They will all decide we need to get out!. As I say, I believe some are already getting out. Who then buys all the US debt? The Federal Reserve will become the sole bidder and the dollar then probably becomes worthless.

The US could default on the 1 point 3 trillion dollars which is almost all
of the outstanding long-term treasury bills China holds. China would simply nationalize the many USA owned factories in China. This would stop trade with China and drop the dollar to almost worthless. Worldwide trade would almost stop as well. A Depression far worse than the 1930 decade would follow.

Why would China do this? They see Obama destroying their US debt holdings plus destroying America and the Western World so best to be in charge of the crash and end up on the top of the pile. There are already signs of China readying their people for this financial Armageddon. I could list them but you probably can name them yourself. On the other hand, we are doing nothing except throwing more gasoline on the fire.

By March we may be close to a shooting war over Pakistan and other
situations. Why pick March? That's the month the US treasury is deepest in the red due to April 15th. Those who have refunds file early and those who owe money wait until April.

As things are going we may already be in an acknowledged Depression by then. I believe we are already but juggling numbers by Obama wrongly shows we are on the mend. NOT SO! So a demand for 1 point 3 trillion dollars and probably much more from other countries will sink the dollar for sure.

Do not take my word for all I just wrote. Look it up. You can start with
stories on China not rolling over the short-term treasury bills. Most of the stories mention only briefly the 1 point 3 trillion dollars maturing March 2012. The media writes as if China rolling over this debt is a foregone conclusion. NO! NO! It is NOT going to happen!

When the China sells 97.5 percent of treasury bills story broke I thought surely some wise news pundit will spot the REAL story! Wrong. No one did. China many times has owned NO short-term treasury bills and it was not even reported. This made the news only because someone wrote it up on ZeroHedge and EVERYONE repeats ZeroHedge! This was a NON-story but buried at the bottom where it says China has 1 point 3 trillion dollars in treasury bills maturing March 2012 was the HUGE story that no one caught!