Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Brain Dead Liberals in America like Glenn Beck and many REPUBLICANS turning to Hillary Clinton


I say MIND-FUCKED because here's what it means in the URBAN DICTIONARY

The state of being disoriented or being messed with mentally.

I'm going to be very straightforward on this so if you're more righteous than I am in Christ Jesus and you don't say "FUCK" then good for you.  I hope you're present with me at the judgement seat of Christ when I have to give an answer for using the word "FUCK" now and then to make a point.  I may also call you a PUSSY so how's that for some good Christian fellowship?  Can't handle that either?  Then either DON'T VOTE or VOTE FOR HILLARY on ELECTION DAY so you can prove how righteous you are in the sight of God.

Some teach that Eve had sex with the serpent or Satan when the fall of man took place in the garden of Eden.  Well maybe she was sort of mind-fucked by Satan back then when she listened to him as her "Hath God said...?"  So let me get a little more KING JAMES ONLY for you righteous ones:

These brain dead so called liberals across America that really are simply put just plain enemies of America like Glenn Beck have had their consciences seared as with a hot iron.  Is that better?  We need a dumb ass such as Balaam had to speak to these creeps but even the asses probably couldn't get the message across.  

So we watch this circus now in America take us further down the road into a THIRD WORLD status.  It's a bit more complicated and chaotic culture than just plain third world because of all of our technology that makes us look so up to date.  But the truth is we are so far behind that this election may even take us a few more steps back into the abyss of more abominations.

So listen to this creepy Mormon Glenn Beck. What a demonstration of brain-dead or what I'll call MIND-FUCKED Americans.  We have many like this showing up for ELECTION DAY voting for Hillary:

Just plain weird folks...everyone trying to convince people that Donald Trump is so unstable. The liberals have us all diagnosed then with some kind of mental disorder.

I'd say Glenn Beck is disoriented and messed with mentally.  And that's known as MIND-FUCKED.  Take a look for yourself:  
