Monday, August 15, 2016

Sheriff David Clarke speaks on MILWAUKEE'S NORTH SIDE CHAOS


Wake up Milwaukee and listen to this guy!

One of the last and few good sheriffs left in America:

I realize that the jurisdiction between the Milwaukee Police Department and the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department is unlike most counties across America.  Historically the Sheriff's are generally working the airports and are generally serving warrants and working traffic on the freeways primarily and the courts.  But this man Sheriff David Clarke from what I've seen is quite a leader and a speaker.  He's also an oath of office keeper and I believe he demonstrates that he takes his oath to the U.S. CONSTITUTION seriously.  We need more men in America like this again:

Perhaps a few men like this should be posted at N. Sherman Blvd. and Burleigh St. on Milwaukee's north side to stop the foolishness.  Do you think it would work in America?  Send a few Marines and find out: