Sunday, May 3, 2015



But then why is J.P. Morgan hoarding PHYSICAL SILVER?  Or are they?

Meanwhile the world is on the paper chase for the U.S. DOLLAR

The rush is on to go nowhere

There are so many people who are dumping SILVER and even GOLD around the world and especially here in the U.S.A.  If you look at Craigs List there are loads of advertisements of people selling into the current price washout of precious metals it's absolutely amazing.  They can't get out fast enough now as the prices continue to flop lower!

Analysts are still trying to figure it all out and they are beginning to get ridiculous as they say the markets and metals could go up and they could go down.  Here's the truth based on a logical and reasonable observation:

There is no doubt by now that the markets are controlled like a casino is controlled.  Why?  Because it has been revealed finally in a 60 MINUTES interview last year and even now it is common to hear mention of this by CNBC and all the other financial media out there on a regular basis.  They often mention HFT ALGORITHMS now and how the markets are computer controlled and even computer protected from any extreme instability that may occur as computer circuit breakers are set in to protect a major fallout.  

So as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts who worked for the U.S. Treasury during the Reagan administration says:  "...we no longer have economics."   That's the truth and there are no longer any investments other than government approved investment tools that are constructed to benefit this system of debt and high level collusion.  

I think there's good times ahead for Americans however it is very deceptive and will result in changes that are set in by God who is working all things after the counsel of his own will.  And God is working things out that the scripture might be fulfilled:

Here's some recent articles that may or may not shed light on what's going on unless you can actually read between the lines and discern this for yourself:

INTEREST RATES will now RISE, but what good will it do?

The private bank known as The Federal Reserve where I cannot even have a savings account runs America's monetary police and is in collusion with the U.S. Treasury and global financial cartel.  This entire system is very complicated and structured more and more electronically now via computers and HFT ALGORITHMS along with other extremely powerful financial computer models that drive all these algorithms in manners never before realized until recently.   It is finally being admitted by the mainstream media but it is not yet realized by the general public.

Interest rates will now rise but the common man will only be rewarded with a 1% or at best 2% return on his savings in a bank or credit union while his deposits through the magic of fractional reserve will be worth immediately 500% to the bank.  Money is very cleverly created for the banking cartel but for the end user they must toil and labor for very little reward.  We will continue to watch the CEO's and so forth also be rewarded for bankruptcies and all their jobs well done while they law off employees and keep their wages low.  The prosperity of the wicked is only going to get greater now as we have left off mentioning MILLIONS and all we hear now is BILLIONS and TRILLIONS and next will be QUADRILLIONS very soon.

A financial reset is coming but not like you think  

Soon we will be transformed into a completely digital monetary system and physical assets will be restructured and restricted to the industrial needs of large corporations and the global banking system.  And so why does this matter and what can the common man do to contain this?  Absolutely nothing since the powers that be are ordained of God but oddly enough they are headed to destruction and perdition for the most part.  Rulers who were supposed to be a terror against evil are now very evil themselves and there is confusion and every evil work.  

So sit back, relax, and watch the show.  If you're in Christ Jesus you have nothing to fear.  All they can do is kill us and what more can they do?  They want us dead anyway because we have no part with them as we have been transformed into the kingdom of God.  And remember the day of Christ will come and is coming and when Jesus comes he will come quickly:
