Sunday, March 8, 2015

A very important message on GOLD and SILVER

The trouble is selling it?  Yikes!

The hardest part of silver is going to be keeping it and getting rid of it, it's not going to be buying it."
--Gary Yantis (a.k.a. W0TM)

"We're going back to where I can buy 500 Eagles again for $2,500..."

Begin watching this video at 2:02:50.  This "Chase" guy begins talking with "Jack D" here on this Silver/Gold Hangout Stacker type chat hosted by "Silver Siren" who is allegedly a woman in disguise who actually blocks me from posting there.  I notice she is not too pleased with Chase here and threatened him to being civil.  I think this Chase here has it right on with GOLD and SILVER.

Whoever this "Chase" person is I would like to do an interview with him sometime on The News UNIT.  Please get in touch with me Chase.

Chase exposes in no uncertain terms who the liars are concerning GOLD and SILVER and this man is telling the truth about the markets and metals:

Some are not happy with this Chase guy on YOU TUBE.  This just proves that these are all wealthy people that just have time to waste on YOU TUBE:

Chase, at the end of the day, we do whats right for ourselves, and our family. Youtube is just a time waster, and a chance to discuss/debate with like minded people.
