Saturday, March 2, 2013

Florida Sink Hole Disaster Draws National Attention


Man swallowed into hole presumed dead.  Questions about rescue efforts trouble the traumatized family: 


When was it ever attempted other than his brother who jumped into the hole about the time they called 911?  Don't ever live in this place.  Looks like they don't even have a fire department.  Has anyone ever even seen anyone in these videos attempt a rescue?  Looks like the house was condemned, emptied, a SHERIFF's LINE DO NOT CROSS strung up and then a few fat guys walking around the yard taking soil samples for the last day and a half.  What a joke! 

Does someone know the truth?

Now we enter the demolition phase.  Imagine if this turns out to be an underground mine or Deep Underground Military Base with aliens and spaceships!  Something fishy going on here:

What is really going on here?

I don't really know but it seems like these officials are covering up some greater details.  There are some reports surfacing on various drilling and underground mining activities along the Gulf Of Mexico coastal region there that may explain a much greater problem and potential catastrophe:

Examples of various sink holes

Chinese Rescue Their People

Here in America we have "SPECIALISTS" and "PROFESSIONALS" and "ENGINEERS".  They are all good at MONITORING THE SITUATION and appearing on T.V. for media interviews:

China doesn't mess around as they always attempt a rescue.  Here in America we stand around at the scene and wait for "officials" to tell us what to do next and if you get too close to the POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS with your camera you might risk to be assaulted by LAW enFORCEment, Tasered with HIGH VOLTAGE, beaten, and arrested for exercising your Constitutional rights.  There are more dangers in America than SINK HOLES:
