Thursday, October 4, 2012

What is the first role of the Federal Government?

"...The first role of the Federal Government is to keep the American people safe.  That's its most basic function.  And as Commander in Chief..."
---President Barack Hussein Obama II

"...the role of government:  Look behind us:  The Constitution and The Declaration of Independence:  The role of government is to promote and to protect the principles of those documents..."
---Willard Mitt Romney 

It's rather obvious to me that President Obama is on a power trip and loves his exaltation as "Commander in Chief" above the American people to protect us.  So he's our protection?  The guy really does exalt himself as a "king":  Do you feel safe now?

Romney on the other hand gave some lip service toward The United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence but I don't really believe he knows the role of government either... 

By the way is "The FEDERAL Government" about as FEDERAL as Federal Express?  Or how about The Federal Resevere Bank?  That should tell you something if you have ears to hear:  Is the U.S. Government a CORPORATION now since it ceased to be a Constitutional Republic?  How about that?

Ask Ron Paul:  He'll give you an accurate answer.  These guys need Ron Paul in these debates yet again.  But this corporation doesn't allow for that as these two CEOs fight for the office of president: 

I'm sorry but our country is doomed.  But then there are those of us that seek an heavenly anyway so even so, come Lord Jesus:

The Commander in Chief

Obama loves the title of "Commander in Chief".  He probably loves THE GOLD FRINGE FLAG also.  Study this LINK carefully and learn about THE GOLD FRINGE FLAG and what it's all about and you might understand why we have an illegal legal system: 
