Saturday, November 5, 2011

SILVER is going down more

THE NIA CARTEL is at it again!  
Who's in that?  I suspect several:
  • G4T
  • SGT Bull 07
  • and various others....
Watch for $19.00 SILVER within the next 6 months as it is artificially supressed.  That will be a gift! :-)  Meanwhile the pumpers are scared because they bought silver above $40.00.   Hey but at least they have the physical and not the paper right?  But they are worried here and know it will break down below $30 with a stock market crash soon.

This comes from:

The National Inflation Association

King World News as mentioned in the above video is full of pumper reports.  If you scroll down a bit here on The News UNIT and search this out you will find that the best information on King World News is probably the KWN Weekly Metals Wrap.  The pumping has abated somewhat on The KWN Weekly Metals Wrap compared to Peter Schiff, James Turk, John Embry and Eric Sprott.   

I'm noticing also that I used to get attacked for mentioning silver going lower whether on The News UNIT or on other message boards and blogs.  Now that $50 SILVER is a long way off we sill have the usual pumpers barking out higher prices but they are starting to tone down a bit as the reality sets in:

Where is all this demand of silver I keep hearing about?

Cell phones and computers?  Wow!  Inside one cellphone or computer you might be lucky to find a fraction of a milligram on a surface mounted circuit board or some old capacitor.  Heat sinks are made of COPPER.  There you go buy some physical COPPER!  Thieves are stealing COPPER all the time in the news.  They must know something about COPPER even the NIA doesn't know.  And why they aren't robbing coin shops then for silver?  Think about that.
