Sunday, September 11, 2011

More SGTbull07 or SGTbull B.S. Surfaces

and more B.S. besides for good measure...

What's this SGT doing?  Harassing other YOU TUBE channels?

I'm a christian and my name is David Casper and I am not ashamed to confess Jesus Christ who is indeed God manifest in the flesh. 

Let's start here with some REVIEW of SGTbull07 YOU TUBE CHANNEL but here is a video on his "backup channel" that channel is titled "SGTreport".   I see this video doesn't have the usual amount of views but I want to point out the RELIGION OF SGT which he gives there in this quote:
"The signs are every where for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. But precious few will heed the call. Now Liberty breathes its last gasp. All these are the beginnings of sorrows." (--from the SGTreport YOU TUBE CHANNEL)

THIS QUOTE ABOVE MUST BE FROM THE SGT BIBLE? Notice how it is made to sound as if it is from THE HOLY BIBLE as in "...these are the beginnings of sorrows."  What this really is the RELIGION OF FALSE LIBERTY AND THE WORSHIP OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION AS THE WORD OF GOD.  All this while the true word of God is set aside and the worship of sinful men and "forefathers" is promulgated to very high esteem and glorification.  SICK!  

I just noticed to post on the "SGT Report" website and leave COMMENTS you have to leave your name and it states there that it is REQUIRED.  How about that for freedom?  Sean (last name unknown for now) requires everyone to leave their name but he seems to be in hiding. (just my observation)  I have more respect for George Hemminger (a.k.a. "G4T") because he leaves his name known.  Has anyone notice that many of these closet NIA gang members are scared?  How about that Cory? 

More SGT bull is floating to the top...

Here's the big controversial video.  Rough stuff! :-)

Some of my friends wonder why I post this?  Why not?  It's news. Am I sinning against God?  No I'm not!  And my sins are covered by faith in Jesus' righteous shed blood.

I've been told it's bad for my testimony in Christ Jesus.  You go run a blog then you wimps! (yes I talk to friends this way when necessary and rebuke them sharply)  That doesn't make sense to me though because my testimony is that I trust Jesus Christ's shed blood for salvation and confess that he is God manifest in the flesh.  What are all my fellow brethren worried about?  Do you think I'm going to lose my salvation if I post some news here?  You guys need to get out more and find out what's going on!  Should I post some beautiful music here and skip the news?  Here guys---just skip the report above then and listen to this:

And take notice of this video by the way:  This is how these self-righteous snakes called "pastors" hang out behind the gal here as she's singing that song.  Notice the dumb goofball preacher here checking out her ASS!  Yes A-S-S  spells ASS you dumb ASS!  Go read about the dumb ass in the scripture that rebuked the prophet!  This pastor is an older guy and should know better but he's hanging out there behind her and he's nervous because he knows what he's up to.  But everyone ignores that and just says "AMEN" at the right time and overlooks it.  Then they forbid us younger guys to marry by telling us we can serve the Lord so much better being single.  But that's ok because this is a fundamental King James Only Independent Baptist Church that comes from the pure line of Anabaptists...blah..blah..blah...yea right!!!  I could really go on about this but I won' for yourself...

Don't give me this gas about what I post causing anyone to stumble.  Many of you "professors" who claim to be Christian ARE NOT AT ALL!  You are on your way straight to HELL and ETERNAL DAMNATION because your self-righteous pride has not submitted to the righteousness of Christ and you are going about to establish your own righteousness by waving the flag and bragging about how you raise your kids...etc...

Leave a COMMENT here at your own risk.  I'll rip you with the word of God if necessary.....

THE UPDATES ON THIS ARE JUST TOO NUMEROUS TO POST....people are really getting sick of this guy

