Saturday, July 16, 2011

TruthCracker Is Looking For Truth

This guy is a thinker and the world is full of "religious titles" and "opinions".  He says he "...used to be a Christian...".  I perceive that means he was a Christian in "title" (nominal) because that's what most people are who identify themselves as being "Christian".  They could be:  Methodist, Baptist, Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Mennonite, Brethren, Berean, or whatever else you want to call it.  

My question is this:  Why not seek the LORD and ask him who he is?  If you at least believe in God wouldn't you like to know who he is and what you can do to please him? 

Then of course you have those of us who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who is God manifest in the flesh.  And of course there's more because the Lord knoweth them that are his.

What is your faith?  Do you have faith?  What is faith?  Is your faith Catholic, or Lutheran?  Faith is defined here:

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.   ---HEBREWS 11.1
