Thursday, May 7, 2020


*****The religion of DEATH & HELL is here*****


Coronavirus COVID-19 is also a RELIGION


...and it makes more MONEY


For some reason, Dr. Fauci, Donald Trump, and the US Gov. health agencies want Covid over counted. Perhaps they realize now that the epidemic was a borderline hoax. It would be embarrassing to go back and eliminate all the fake counts, but Italy is doing just that.

Blaming China for hiding Covid-19 is not very convincing to Americans because it is far away. So, Trump and Fauci needed a way to panic America that was more blunt and terrifying. They chose to cook the death toll numbers. Death count is a lot more terrifying, and it seems to be incorruptible. This assumes that doctors always tell the truth, which is usually true.

The CDC encouraged doctors to lump all sorts of health issues into one cause..... Covid-19. This was done early on to hype the death numbers. No one can argue with the death totals. So, the trick is, get the death numbers inflated so that the public, and state health officials, will not have reason to question Dr. Fauci and Trump.  

This conflict of alleged facts is a result of the total lack of honesty and integrity in Donald Trump and his creepy shill, Dr. Fauci. They have no ability to tell the truth. Their epidemic model for Covid-19 was way out of line from the get go, so they are rabidly covering it up.

This trick also causes us to wonder if Trump was bought off by the Deep State to use Covid-19 to redesign America. The epidemic is presently decreasing in various nations and various US states. The numbers, even with the CDC counting trick, are going down in many places. The epidemic is going away, just like it has throughout the history of epidemics. This also implies that there are many doctors around America who refuse to lie for the CDC, and THAT is encouraging.

Trump and Fauci will be spending many days trying to convince us all that the nation had to be crippled economically, even though this whole thing was no worse than the flu any other year. The death count is a crock, and they have nothing else to use to sell their snake oil. If this story really gets to be understood by Trump supporters, Trump is toast and will not be reelected. So, watch for a false flag next. Trump desperately needs Americans to be shocked into forgetting how he trashed the nation's economy.

Here is a Fox News interview with Senator Dr. Scott Jensen of Minnesota.

So, Dr. Fauci says that the death count trick is not a plan to instruct doctors to lie in order to cover up the bungling of Fauci and Trump. Fauci claims that the story about his lying scheme he hatched is a conspiracy theory. Right, lying to deceive the American people IS a conspiracy. Dr. Fauci and Trump are the main conspirators, The only question is, who got the money made?

The answer is clear from the video. A person who is Covid-19 positive will generate $13,000 in profit for the hospital paid by Medicare. A person with Covid-19 who also goes on a ventilator will generate $39,000. Voila. You just read the answer to the question, who got the money? The ventilator does permanent damage to the patient, but the doctors are urged to use the ventilator if at all possible. 

So, if the patient is reported to have died of Covid-19 instead of a heart attack, the hospital gets another $13,000. But, the $39,000 ventilator procedure can only be used if the patient is Covid-19 positive. Seldom is the ventilator justified for heart attack.

The companies making ventilators are unwittingly just shills for the big scam. Ventilators are needed to justify the big bucks.

This is Hypernormalism, which is the simplification of a complex problem by a dumbed down solution, and it is the policy of all the elite in power in America. Make a simple story, stampede the people into submission, and change America to fit the new normal.

Watch for a new article on "Hypernormalism" soon on my online journal, Blessed Quietness Journal.

You cannot see the hoax because you are part of the stampede. The cattle in a stampede just keep running and running. The lead bull on the hill top nearby sees the stampede and understands it. If you want to understand what is happening, you will have to get out of the stampede of the media and liars like Trump, Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, and Dr. Fauci and find your own place of understanding. You cannot trust anyone in authority. They are all liars and part of the overall scam of the new normal.

Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

Indeed, the swamp does need to be drained, starting at the White house.

For the record, is Covid-19 a total hoax. 

Answer: No. But, it is just another version of the flu. The death count which convinced us that it was unique and more deadly than the flu turns out to be a big crock. In fact, because of this counting trick by the CDC, the death count of Covid-19 will never be known. It has permanently been corrupted.

So, my advice to you is, if you are young and healthy, stop worrying about getting Covid-19. If you are old like me, worry about Covid-19. That is, take precautions. Like the flu, older people die of Covid more easily than younger people. The main issue is, you must not infect older people in your life. To carelessly infect a senior is murder. If you are sick, stay home. If you go out in public sick, you have the spirit of Cain.

What about masks and social distancing? I will only tell you that I intend to keep taking precautions. I did that with SARS and other flu seasons, so it makes sense to keep doing what worked before. But, stop the panic party. Covid-19 will go away just like the flu always goes away. 

Will Covid-19 come back some day?

Answer: Probably, but it will not be very bad. Immunity will have happened to much of the population, and no virus can propagate well where there is immunity. 

Your mental health depends on many things, but one of them is that you need people in your life. Find people who take precautions, but do not keep living like a hermit.

Ben Lilly was a lion and bear hunter in the pay of ranchers in Texas and New Mexico long ago. He spent much of his life in the mountain areas killing bears and lions. After many weeks of hunting, he would one day start talking to himself. He would at once pack up and head for a town. He would spend a week or two there visiting with people he knew, and then go back to hunting. He was convinced that if he did not spend time with people, he would eventually go totally insane.

God hath not given us the spirit of fear..... our national leaders have.