Sunday, March 24, 2019

Former U.S. President Barack Obama goes to New Zealand

*****New Zealand SHOOTING aftermath developments******

What kind of business is Obama doing in New Zealand?

There's no doubt some kind of agenda here including but not limited to the EXPANSION OF A GLOBAL GOVERNMENT SYSTEM along with GLOBAL GUN CONTROL and a load of NEW LAWS AND ORDINANCES FOR THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY:

The United States of America sold out to the GLOBAL COMMUNITY with the United Nations a long time ago already.  Could this be the next phase of TRANSFORMATION into the GLOBAL COMMUNITY and even perhaps a GLOBAL LEADER such as Barack Hussein Obama?  Will we now see the DIGITAL DICTATORSHIP and CENTRALIZED SURVEILLANCE REGIME be put into place now?  Remember Yuval Harari announced this at the 2017 WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM?

Jsnip4 had a few findings of his own on this story but I would be careful to seek out the truth in the news:

Why does Obama need such a LARGE POLICE PROTECTION DETAIL?  Is he afraid of something?  The people who want to take our guns should have no guns themselves:

Watch Obama's NEW ZEALAND VIDEOS BELOW:  There's something more going on here regarding worship and and the NEW AGE NEW WORLD RELIGION OF UNITY IN DIVERSITY...

What Jsnip4 doesn't realize is he's in the same SPIRITUAL CAMP with Obama.  He thinks he's on the good side with TRUTHERS & PATRIOTS but he's a deceiver himself and will end up with Obama and the rest of them as they GO TO THEIR OWN PLACE: