Monday, August 13, 2018

Steve Quayle warns about the evil of artificial intelligence and computer control


Steve Quayle and his disciples continue


God will shut their mouth eventually...

For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
-TITUS 1.10-13

Why do many men now such as Steve Quayle teach these things about ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and related CONSPIRACY SENSATIONALISM?  They do it for MONEY!  They want FILTHY LUCRE and SERVE MAMMON while they give false lip service to God.  

So don't be deceived God is not mocked.  This man will reap what he's sown and he's getting more and more ripe for judgement.

If you know scripture at all you should know that evil men and seducers shall wax worse deceiving and being deceived.  It is no marvel at all that these things are happening that the scriptures are fulfilled.  But men like this want the preeminence and they want their fake news ministries exalted and have men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

You Tube and Google are DRAINING THE SWAMP on these TRUTHERS & PATRIOTS that have been manufacturing all manner of FAKE NEWS now for some time.  I will be glad to see them go to their own place eventually because in heaven and even earth there will be no place found for them with their FAKE NEWS and FALSE CHRIST: