Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The New Life is Here: Wiccan Music: "I hear You Calling"

*****The Alternative Path*****

I am who? Are you the I am really?

Who are you?

The heart of nature...I am she...

Chalice and Blade

Freedom, peace, making love, and spirituality all mixing together.  Buy some BITCOIN too right away!  

Hell is enlarging herself to meet thee at thy coming...

Adam W
3 years ago
I have to share this magical moment with all of you. I'm just starting to get in to the pagan music scene(Wendy Rule has caught my attention so far) and I clicked this one last video I Hear You Calling. Four minutes in and I'm totally engrossed in memories of when I first decided to follow an alternative path...and my dog who was sleeping behind me awoke from a dead sleep, walked around to sit directly beside me towards the music and simply placed her head on my shoulder and listened with me. A validation of my choice. The power of two spirits as one. I can't even begin to describe to you the sensation. I learned the meaning of "Blessed Be" in that one moment.