Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Donald Trump's crowds are suspect ACN entrepreneurs that make up the "Trump Movement"

*****NEW Donald Trump developments*****

How does Donald Trump get such large crowds? 

Are Donald Trump's crowds made up ACN gatherings?

Is Donald Trump running a deceptive campaign?

"I don't mind a bad story if something's true..."
--Donald Trump

Just what is this ACN company?

It's a movement for sure:

ACN is called a home based telecommunications company and when you do a Google search here is what you get.  Trump is their mascot (and almost a god) as he appears at these ACN conferences and shows regularly to grandstand with the various ACN representatives and recruit more underlings into the fold of high pressure sales and marketing strategies:

Watch the Donald Trump at a recent 2015 ACN event

It is highly likely that Donald Trump is getting his crowds through his ACN connections as he travels on his GOP campaign.  He picks strategic places where these ACN entrepreneurs already are accustomed to and they all show up to support him in one big giant act of deception and high pressure sales techniques all being used on the campaign trail to deceive We the People.  Just wait until the media calls him out on this one:

The media will continue to enhance Trump's ratings for a time as even the media is full of deception and every form of trickery you can imagine.  Some say this is all being coordinated to bring in Hillary Clinton as president.  The works of another deceiver Ted Cruz also have been made manifest for all to see on a recent CNN report: 

The art of deception and ACN

For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
--TITUS 1.10-11

After reading the above scripture I am inclined to suspect that Donald Trump is a vain talker and a deceiver.  He deceives whole households working together with these ACN thugs who also subvert whole houses with their multi-level marketing deception and high pressure sales tactics all done for their filthy lucre's sake.

There certainly is a "Trump Movement" and is has lots of love too.  The love of money which is the root of all evil:

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
--I TIMOTHY 6.10

Watch the video reveal who Trump really is and his ACN coordinated campaign: 

They certainly like to pump the Trump.  It might be time to dump the Trump:

Donald Trump is making history with a company he believes in:

I suspect there are many high level alleged Christian Evangelical leaders in this MLM PYRAMID who run some impressive MEGA-CHURCHES too.  They like to be close to God and God's man Trump praying up in the trump tower together:

The make America great again model work environment:

Perhaps Trump has in mind to make America great again through ACN?  This will make the U.S.A. one big giant group of entrepreneurs just like Donald Trump:


