Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Donald Trump is the topic of today's White House Press Conference

*****Today is TRUMP DAY U.S.A.*****

Donald Trump Rules The White House Press Conference

The Day Donald Trump Shook America's Enemies

Support Syrian refugees (except Christians) and receive Muslims in America

America welcomes Islam and Jihad

Allah Akbar!

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says Trump is a liar, the Republican party is imploding and many other things in regards to question after question given to him today in regards to Donald Trump.  Never before has Trump been the topic of a White House Press Conference like this:

Donald Trump dominated the White House Press Conference:

WATCH THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS CONFERENCE and learn who these enemies of America really are:

Texas Governor Gregg Abbott and Rep. Ted Cruz had a press conference today also:

Paul Ryan had a PRESS CONFERENCE because of Trump today:

Trump even shook up the Pentagon withe a NEWS BRIEFING there:

Megyn Kelly wants Trump's head on a charger

Maybe she would make a good Muslim

Megyn Kelly has it in for Donald Trump.  She didn't like he got 18 hours of press today. Megyn Kelly is another enemy of America and all the enemies of America are now reeling from what Donald Trump said.  What could they possible be afraid of?  Our fearless President Barack Hussein Obama has his ISIL (or ISIS or Daesh) contained right?  And we are all safe in America:
