Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Can Ted Cruz be U.S. President?

Ted Cruz is rising up the ranks

There's no doubt that Ted Cruz is one of the most eloquent speakers in the GOP race.  Whether he can be president or not is in question in regards to the U.S. Constitution of which I do not know the correct answer.  We already have an alleged illegal president right now in office so I would like Ted Cruz to address this situation at least to clear it up for We the People.  Can you do that Mr. Cruz?  

By the way rumor has it that Donald Trump is doing this to get Hillary Clinton in office.  Sounds like that may be a way out there conspiracy theory but I'd like  Mr. Trump to say something about it.  

I hope we don't find out that all these men are liars:

I said in my haste, All men are liars.
--PSALM 116.11