Thursday, December 12, 2013

Time to expose the GOLD and SILVER pumpers again

Silverfuturist, davincij15, etc.


Notice the group above.  These pumpers are constantly playing games (and role playing) on YOU TUBE as they move around and create all sorts of confusion about gold, silver, BITCOIN, and every conceivable conspiracy and related financial propaganda they can imagine.  These are some real troublemakers.  They are entirely related to the rest of the load of SGT BS'ers and BROTHER JOHN F'ers also.

Do you really believe this guy davincij15 divorced his wife and moved to Chile?  Do you believe G4T?  Daniel Ameduri?  All the rest of the YOU TUBE gangsters?  Get real!  Learn something or get out of here.

Watch the tail end of this VIDEO BELOW and you'll see these clowns together.  This entire YOU TUBE CARTEL is a LARGE GROUP.  I've said this before as many of them know each other, work together, and sport around in their careers with Hollywood, big banks, investment companies, etc.  

These are the guys that take people like "Big Stack McGee" and make merchandise of them.  Big Stack McGee and others are really a laughingstock to these guys.  It's amazing what I've observed on YOU TUBE.  I'm surprised many others have not caught on to what is going on here.

Don't believe the hype.  Silver New Jack you better be careful.  Don't show your G on here anymore or anything else related.  I think you're one of the few that are real on here:  

DavinciJ15's new life in Chile

This guy went from pumping GOLD and SILVER to pumping BITCOIN now.  He claims he moved from Canada to Chile:

Anyone remember "jackieochannel?"

She disappeared for the most part and only one video is on her channel.  Someone mirrored this video below and I have no idea if this is some kind of act or if this is a true story.  You try and figure it out.

There's more to this MASSIVE GANG ACTIVITY that goes on on YOU TUBE:
