Friday, December 13, 2013

SILVER Facts Versus Fiction

Things the PUMPERS won't tell you:

Stored Silver Is NOT TRUE DEMAND..... It's actually excess SUPPLY

If you buy silver to store under your bed, that's not TRUE demand. You've actually just created a little SUPPLY warehouse to be sold back into the general supply at some point in the future.

Hoards are SUPPLIES, not demand. Thousands of former hoarders/stackers are dumping their silver hoards on ebay, adding to the huge silver oversupply situation.

The same thing happened in the real estate bubble. Folks bought excess houses creating a false illusion of "Demand". Those houses stood empty (in storage), but when the bubble started to deflate, then folks started to dump their "stored" houses and flooded the market and the price crashed.

Silver prices are expected to crash to $7 and possibly lower as the silver bubble collapses.