Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bill Murphy and Daniel Ameduri on GOLD and SILVER

What's wrong? :-)

Bill Murphy says:  "...they're all wrong..."

"All the smart guys I know guys that I really respect they're all wrong HA HA HA.  Throw me into that same camp in the short term..."
--Bill Murphy, GATA
Bill Murphy traded his TINFOIL HAT for his new BOWLER style hat he got at a recent party.  That's why these guys do folks:  They run around and party and frolic at various symposiums, conventions, and conferences.  It's a big joke! 

Has anyone noticed their affection for Disney and Hollywood references to such things as The Wizard of OZ, STAR WARS, and other such peeping and muttering wizards?   When I heard them talk of freedom, liberty, and Ron Paul, I never believed them.

Another PAID MEMBERSHIP on Billy Murphy's website for $299.00 a year:

Does anyone remember Daniel Ameduri's "The Day The Dollar Died" movie he made on the NIA YOU TUBE CHANNEL called "InflationUS?"  Take a look below:

The Day The Dollar Died

George Hemminger was also involved with this NIA gangster and George is no stranger to deception.  He continues the trend now in Texas where he will get religion called "Christian."  No marvel to me.  This is the time approaching where God shall send strong delusion:
