Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ann Barnhardt the Catholic Chatechist on BITCOIN, the Pope, etc.

Ann Barnhardt is now a FREEWOMAN

Ann Barnhardt is like a FREEMAN but she's a FREEWOMAN and she's off the grid now not in the bank or paying taxes.  Perhaps she's like she says, "...in the van down by the river."  Wherever that is I don't know?  She has it in for corrupt government here in the United States Of America but she loves the Vatican Government, the Holy See, and Papal infallibility.  She's going to school her listeners here about several topics including but not limited to:
  • The question of BITCOIN.
  • Pope Francis' quote on Islam in his "manifesto."
  • Papal Infallibility.
  • Is Islam a Christian heresy?
NOTICE that Ann Barnhardt also DISABLES COMMENTS on her videos. Miss Barnhardt is also a GOLD and SILVER advocate as the Vatican and St. Peter's Square is loaded with GOLD and SILVER.  Maybe more Catholics should be STACKING GOLD and SILVER?

The Pope used to be a night club bouncer in Argentina

When Pope Francis was putting himself through school and studying to be a priest he was a bouncer.  So he's kind a man's man perhaps as the media really loves the story below.

Pope Francis is not just the head of the Holy Roman Catholic Church but he's also the Sovereign of State for the Vatican City:
