Monday, December 17, 2012

The Sweet Land of Tyranny

The Culture of VULTURES in media 

The aliens like these Turks, Russian T.V. America, Communist News Network, Bloomberg the Nazi, this Piers Morgan CNN VULTURE, and many, many others are having their day here on The United States Of America.  Here's the Turk mocking Governor Rick Perry on guns:

The Alien Media Invasion of America

Here's a real vulture that comes from the Britain's Got Talent Show now working for CNN.  This Piers Morgan is a real mouthy chap.  He tried to tone himself down a bit recently but he's a real vulture that is just circling over the U.S. Constitution to devour:

The Young Turks, Russian T.V. America, and various other alternative and mainstream media are all ganging up on America to destroy the foundations of freedom and liberty:

My country tis of thee
Sweet land of tyranny
Of thee I sing.

Land where the love has died
land filled with human pride
From every gaping mouth doth cry
culture is our king.

---Author unknown