Tuesday, March 6, 2012

SILVER: The Student Loan Strategy


Recently I had a discussion with several college students about financial planning in regard to their projected financial solvency and loan debts after graduation.  We talked about what it might be like in 5 to 7 years for them to face an average of $50,000 to $100,000 in student loans after graduation and upon entering the uncertain job market.  Obviously not everyone has the high salary highway to look forward to as the variables of personal interests vary and the successful outcome of education and job searching are not a sure and certain guarantee.  Then we talked about SILVER and its suggested price outlook by various analysts of $500/ounce in just a few years ahead.  

So we considered SILVER as a means of debt warfare in years to come and although this is not necessarily a guarantee it does look like it has potential based on the current price outlooks for GOLD and ESPECIALLY SILVER.  Here's how this works:

We all hear that SILVER is expected to break $70 here sometime in May 2012 and from there the basket of professional economics and precious metals consultants are projecting that SILVER is expected to go at least somewhere over $500/ounce once the artificial price suppression and manipulation comes to an end.  If this is the case then here's what each COLLEGE STUDENT (or anyone else wanting an extra $100,000) might want to consider:

SILVER being a hard, physical and tangible asset is expected to increase in value measured in US DOLLARS.  Student loans are not projected to be plagued by high interest rates through the next half-dozen years and the expected gain for SILVER should the price reach $500 in the same time will be a whopping 1,328.57% GAIN from it's current $35/ounce price.  Wow!  

The question now is how much SILVER should a student buy now to pay off his projected student loan debt 5 years from now?  Just to keep it simple if a student expects around $100,000 in loans by graduation and silver reaches  the expected spot price of $500 then the answer is 200 ounces of SILVER.  How much does 200 ounces of SILVER cost right now?

ANSWER =  About $7,200US

That's not even half of a monster box of American Silver Eagles. 

Any other questions?  

Keep stackin'.  Analysts claim there's a buying opportunity right now.
